How to Take An Effective Mental Health Day 

Pretty Caucasian woman at the beach smiling at camera.

Our Mental Health Matters.

One thing to remember, is that our mental health is just as important as our physical health. Something I try to remind clients is that if we get a physically injury, we are quick to seek out medical attention as needed. On the contrary, when it comes to our mental health, the stigma society has regarding mental illness can make us hesitant to receive the type of support and treatment we may need until it has become unbearable. 

Knowing that our lives have been impacted by a global pandemic, racial trauma, politics, and much more, we need to continue to try and make sure we are working to avoid burnout and take care of our own needs. Before we decide to take that time for ourselves, we first need to reflect on what it is that is causing our stress and anxiety. If it is something we can take a break from, or if we need time away. Below are a few things you can consider when thinking about taking an effective mental health day.


1) Plan ahead - Make sure you schedule your breaks, or even making sure you are ready to leave when it is time to go home from work. Even planning a day of no scheduled events is important.

2) Reframe your thoughts - Try to not feel guilty for taking that time off for yourself. You deserve it, and so does everyone else. If you are a parent or guardian, realize that you need to take care of yourself before you take care of others, so that break can be the one way you are able to be more present and supportive with your loved ones later. Make sure you are working to give yourself 5-10 positive thoughts for every one negative thought you might have about taking care of yourself.

3) Do what is reasonable - If you are not into exercise, then definitely do not spend your mental health day doing so. Do what you feel is needed and necessary for yourself, even if it means staying home and binge watching your favorite Television show, or eating your favorite food without the guilt behind it.

Remember, when it comes down to it, it might take more than one activity, place, or thing to help you feel restored. Make sure you make a good habit out of taking care of yourself. You are important, and you matter. Do something that makes you feel good and helps keep you balanced.

-Dr. Sarmiento


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